£2 billion Midlands Rail Hub programme announced by Network Rail and Midlands Rail Hub
Network Rail and Midlands Rail Hub Procurement Team have organised a market briefing session and market sounding questionnaire (MSQ) for the Midlands Rail Hub programme of works.
The £2 billion programme of works currently consists of eight multidisciplinary infrastructure interventions to be undertaken across the East and West Midlands.
The aim of the project is to provide up to 12 additional services per hour between central Birmingham and key regional cities and transport hubs.
The market engagement event is online and takes place on Tuesday, June 21, from 10am to 11am. You can register here.
Following the briefing session, organisations will be invited to complete a MSQ in order for Network Rail to obtain feedback on topics including capacity, proposed procurement strategy and proposed commercial and incentive model.
The exact work scope and procurement strategy are yet to be finalised, by Network Rail currently envisages that intervention requirements will include the design and build on new sidings and platforms, two new chords into Birmingham Moor Street, widening of existing viaduct, power supply upgrades, new freight loops, new overhead line equipment and signalling work.
Anyone wishing to attend should register their interest by June 17th.