Plans approved for the next phase of Birmingham's Arena Central scheme

5 Centenary Square is Make’s fourth building in Birmingham’s ambitious £500m Arena Central masterplan.

The next phase of work on the Arena Central development in Birmingham city centre has been approved by planning chiefs. (Image: Make Architects)

5 Centenary Square will become the third office block to be built on the site in Broad Street following the headquarters of HSBC UK and the new home of HMRC's regional hub which is nearing completion.

Located on the south-west corner of the city’s grand Centenary Square, the building acts as a gateway to the 9.2-acre regeneration site and will offer 15,800m² of Grade A office space over eight storeys. The once-again prestigious square is now home to HSBC UK and will also house HMRC and the University of Birmingham – each in a different Make-designed building.

The plans were previously approved in 2019 and now add an extra storey of office space and extra space for plant machinery which has earned the scheme a BREEAM rating of “Excellent”

The plans include 30 car parking spaces and 160 cycle spaces, and were approved subject to a section 106 agreement tied to a previous planning obligation agreement for the Arena Central development.

The ten-storey building will sit next to the grade II-listed former Birmingham Municipal Bank which itself is undergoing a regeneration by the University of Birmingham to create a new café, gallery, seminar rooms and research spaces.