Aston University awarded planning permission by Birmingham City Council

Plans for a 10-storey landmark building at Aston University have been approved by planning chiefs. The striking building nicknamed the lantern forms the first phase of plans to refresh the central Birmingham campus with a significant masterplan.

The ground floor will be open to the public. Upper floors will be for teaching facilities and academic workspace. This includes flexible lecture theatres, seminar rooms and study spaces.

Located in the heart of the University campus, the 12,000 sq m building, designed by architect HawkinsBrown, will be split into two distinct elements.

Hawkins Brown was appointed to design the building following a competition in 2019 and leads a consultant team that includes Price & Myers, Hoare Lea and Ridge & Partners.

The University says that the construction will be part of its 'most radical estates strategy for over 10 years', with the new building one of the centrepieces of the redevelopment.

Ian Oldacre, Director of Estates, Aston University said: “Our ambitious campus vision sets out our aspiration to invest significantly in the delivery of a ‘destination campus’ to meet the changing demands and opportunities faced by universities. Aston University’s future growth will embrace evolving trends such as online and remote learning, greater connectivity, the growth in international students and closer collaboration with commercial partners and the business community. This new landmark building represents the first stage of our masterplan and long-term strategy.”