Birmingham City Council Biodiversity Net Gain Symposium

Thu, 25 May 2023 09:00 - 12:00 BST

Birmingham City Council House Banqueting Suite Victoria Square Birmingham B1 1BB

The Environment Act 2021 introduced the requirement for biodiversity net gain (BNG) to be delivered through the planning system and this becomes mandatory in November of this year.

This free event, hosted by Sir Nigel Thrift, is aimed at developers and their consultancies. It brings together a range of speakers from Birmingham City Council, Severn Trent Water, Bournville Village Trust, Harper Adams University and Legacy Habitat Banks to set out the future vision for Birmingham, how we will be taking BNG forward, opportunities for delivery and compliance and how BNG can deliver on multiple aspects such as climate resilience and mental health and wellbeing.

The session will conclude with a panel Q&A discussion.