The amendments retain as much of the design and aesthetic of the previously approved layouts whilst incorporating the updated requirement for a wider mix of dwellings, as well as updating elements to ensure the buildability and long term maintenance of the dwellings are balanced alongside aspirational design in keeping with the ethos of the masterplan.
The increase from 58 to 84 units includes the addition of 32 two bed apartments over two modest blocks, as well as an amended housing mix offering greater choice of typology and size of house. Plot 4 has been redesigned with a stronger, secure street edge and a harmonious aesthetic sympathetic of its neighbouring plots, adopting a contemporary town house model, increasing the density and enhancing the potential revenue for the City.
The proposed 2 & 3 storey town houses provide 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom accommodation for up to 8 people. Communal spaces are located on the ground floor which has a slightly larger footprint than the bedrooms to the upper floors. The stepped back upper floors increase the separation and overlooking distances between plots to the rear. To the front, the building line is strategically placed as close to the plot boundary as possible whilst ensuring an appropriate area of defensible space, storage and refuse enclosures are easily accessible from the footpath. The result is a strong building edge to the street, as well as maximising external private amenity to the rear.
The first phase of the £700m project was officially unveiled in April, comprising 968 flats, 312 of which will be affordable housing. "It's creating new homes for our growing population and it's very much a need we have in this city to build more homes," said the then council leader Ian Ward.
He said the area was "one of the best connected in terms of public transport", with a rapid bus transport scheme as well as a new railway station and cycle path. A major milestone for the community. With 1416 homes granted in total this next phase of works will see the overall number of new homes provided tip over the one thousand mark, a huge achievement and an important enhancement for the community of Perry Barr.