Cavendish Construction Communications Toolkit

Keeping everyone happy during ongoing construction activity can be tricky. Therefore, Building Brum partners strategic communications Cavendish have put together a toolkit to guide communications during this period. Reading through this guide should help your business in managing the risks involved with construction and aid in building stronger relationships, based on open communication and community involvement. 

Communication and engagement is incredibly valuable to your project. Being a ‘good neighbour’ can vastly improve the reputation of a developer in a local community, opening potential pathways for further development in the future, as well as protecting the existing project. This toolkit walks you through the key principles to bear in mind when dealing with stakeholders, setting your project up for success. 

Make sure that your project has a system set up to deal with a range of communications and commit to notifying stakeholders of construction in good time, continuing to update throughout the construction period. It is also a good idea to build a diverse arsenal of communication avenues, making sure to maximise your audience reach by varying between physical media and online platforms, as well as engaging with local news to give comments regarding any updates. Be creative and find inventive ways to engage the local community that is beneficial for both parties. 

Finally, listen and learn! When you receive feedback, it is important to take it seriously. Consider adapting your approach and make sure to act when necessary to ensure that community relations do not decline. Essentially, best practice during periods of construction is to build trust. Communicate regularly, listen carefully, and be proactive. Through using this toolkit and following the recommended steps, you should feel prepared and confident to conduct effective communications during construction, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with the Midland's Cavendish team.