CIOB Virtual Site Visit - Perry Barr Residential Scheme
Wednesday 9th June 2021 | 13:00 - 14:15

A fantastic opportunity from the Chartered Institute of Building to hear from seven senior members of the team responsible for delivering the multi-million pound Perry Barr Residential Scheme.
Lendlease Project Director, Anna Evans will start off the session with a project overview followed by briefings from the team on the commercial, procurement, site logistics and social value aspects of the scheme with a modular buildings overview from Willmott Dixon Construction.
You will be shown video and drone footage of the works to date and have an opportunity to put your questions to the speakers in the Q&A section.
The session will cover the following topics:
Project Overview – Anna Evans, Project Director, Lendlease
Commercial / Procurement – Richard Clapham, Senior Commercial Manager, Lendlease
Site logistics – Damien Shirt, Construction Director, Lendlease
Construction Works – David Critchlow, Project Manager, Lendlease
Modular Building – Chris Warren, Senior Operations Manager & Kevin Gosney (MCIOB), Senior Operations Manager Willmott Dixon Construction
Social Value – Rita Patel-Miller, Social Value Manager, Lendlease