Leader of Birmingham City Council, Cllr Ian Ward said: “This is an important milestone in the transformation of this amazing old building and the new Curzon Street Station will be one of the real show pieces of the entire HS2 network.”
“High speed rail is a game-changer for Birmingham and the wider West Midlands, bringing jobs, homes and opportunities to our city region and for the HS2 Generation – the young people currently growing up across the city – this project will shape their lives and careers.”
HS2’s Historic Environment Manager, Jon Millward said :“The Old Curzon Street Station has a fascinating history, and as a Grade 1 listed building it’s deemed to be of exceptional interest and is therefore classified as one of the most important buildings in England. It was the first railway terminus serving the centre of Birmingham and built during a period of great significance and growth for the city.”
“Earlier this year, we unearthed what is thought to be the world’s oldest railway roundhouse situated adjacent to the Old Curzon Street station, and built to a design by the 19th century engineer Robert Stephenson. It’s fantastic that we can preserve the heritage of such an important building as part of the legacy of HS2.”