Introducing City Hospital West – Shaping the future. Creating a legacy.

Plans have been put forward by Homes England for over 800 new homes and apartments to replace Birmingham's City Hospital on Dudley Road. Homes England proposals will deliver high-quality new homes, set within an attractive, vibrant neighbourhood. Centred around well-connected public realm and green landscaped spaces, the development represents an exciting opportunity to regenerate a significant brownfield site.

Project plans include:

  • Up to 825 high-quality houses and apartments of varying size and type to meet local needs, including a significant proportion of affordable homes.

  • A significant network of open spaces and new wildlife habitats within the site providing residents with outdoor space and connections to the canal. 

  • The retention of the Infirmary Front Range building and its conversion to new homes to provide a reminder of the site’s heritage.The retention of a large number of the site’s mature trees and planting in new open spaces.

  • An environmentally friendly community which will be designed to encourage more cycling and walking and encourage the use of the City Council’s Dudley Road Improvement Scheme. 

Other key features of the Homes England plan include:

  • Retention of the Infirmary Front Range, as the most significant building in historic terms.

  • Some ancillary commercial and community space to support the existing local community.

  • A significant network of green open spaces and parks that improves connectivity through the site and provides outdoor recreational space for residents.

  • Vehicular and pedestrian access via Norman St, Western Road and Aberdeen St. Further pedestrian access from Dudley Road and an estate road network that prevents ‘rat-running’ between Norman Street and Western Road.

  • Opportunities to connect to the adjacent retained NHS estate with new footways.

  • Maximise the frontage of the canal by opening up views to the canal for the first time.

  • Incorporation of the Dudley Road Improvement Scheme (pedestrian, cycle and bus improvements) into the site frontage.

  • New connections to the Norman St open space and canal crossing and proposals to improve those areas