Many of us now believe that our future cannot be the same as our past: in fact few would dare to suggest that the post-vaccine world will simply resort to how things were pre-January 2020. Without indulging in speculation or conjecture, we at Orangebox would like to raise the lid on ideas that we think could help us all get to grips with the challenges we’re likely to encounter in the ‘new normal’ world of work. With as many as a quarter of the world’s population now estimated to be living under some form of coronavirus lockdown, governments globally have had to quickly create stimulus packages aimed at mitigating the effects of turning the tap off on their economies. In the UK alone as of early April, over three million employees have been furloughed under a UK government scheme (via HMRC and the Treasury) that will pay 80% of the wages of normal pay, capped at £2,500 per staff member a month.
The cost to the British taxpayer is estimated at up to £40 billion for the first three months alone. Back in 2012, Orangebox’s Research & Insight team created its first report, Boomers & Millennials, which focused on the two ‘bookend’ generations, showing the likely generational differences our clients were going to be facing in the workforce. For this report, we again explore the challenges our clients are likely to face in the new workplace; we once again shine a spotlight on two bookend generations. This first insight opens the conservation and part two will be from the perspective of the younger workforce, whom many believe will be the hardest hit by the Corvid-19 crisis. At one end, there’s the 50 to 60-year-old who’s nearing the end of their career and has a comfortable family home with, if they’re fortunate, a pleasant garden in which there’s enough space to create a home office. At the other, there’s the late 20 to 30-year-old, still in the foothills of their career, who’s more likely than not living – and now working – in a city apartment, with the dining table as their new workplace and the bedroom the best place for Zoom team working.
For this Smartworking insight we explore the implications for our new world of work now, and in the short, mid and long-term.
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