Oswestry Masterplan document to be presented to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet

An aspirational vision for the future of Oswestry will be presented to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet next week, ahead of a six-week consultation anticipated to start in February 2022.

The Future Oswestry Masterplan and Vision is the outcome of a major project of collaborative work between Shropshire Council, Oswestry Town Council and the Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID).

The plan will be taken in its current form to Cabinet next Wednesday (19 January 2022) to ask Cabinet members to give it the green light to go out for public comment.

The masterplan sets out the aims, aspirations and vision for Oswestry, and provides details of the engagement work to date and how this has informed the draft report.

The three strands of the vision are for Oswestry to be: a better place to live, a better place to work, and a healthier and more sustainable town.

From these key strands, a range of opportunities and potential projects – Big Ideas for Oswestry – have been highlighted for further investigation.  These include ideas and opportunities within each of the four areas of Oswestry where more significant change is anticipated: the Cambrian Gateway, the Castle Quarter, the Church Street Quarter, and the approach into town from the Mile End area.

For each area, a vision is needed to make sure interventions work together resulting in a coordinated, positive place.

Some of the major ideas in the plan include considering options for the future re-development of the former Morrisons site, improving accessibility and connectivity, enhancing green and public space, bringing vacant properties back to use, managing car parking, strengthening the cultural offer, and better bus services.

Ed Potter, Shropshire Council’s Deputy Leader, and Cabinet member for economic growth, regeneration and planning, said:

“This is a truly fantastic opportunity to shape the future of Oswestry and create an ambitions vision for the future of the town. The masterplan is full of ideas on how Oswestry can change and improve in the future, and I hope everybody who lives in, works in or visits Oswestry will have their say during the public consultation. We have some bold ambitions and I am looking forward to seeing what everybody thinks.”

Should Cabinet agree, following the consultation, the plan will be presented to Full Council for endorsement, to guide future developments in line with the vision and objectives within the masterplan and to support future funding bids to support regeneration priorities within the town.

Further details on the consultation – and how you can take part – will be released if Cabinet agrees to the plan.