Wolverhampton SoABE rises from the ashes to breathe new life into former brewery site

Wolverhampton University’s new Springfield site is a £100 million project transforming a 12 acre, Grade II listed former brewery, into an architecture and built environment super-campus.

The £45 million School of Architecture and Built Environment campus was designed by the multi-award-winning practice Associated Architects LLP, with Building Brum specification partners Solus supplying their concrete-effect 'Hampstead' tiles that adorn the atrium floor and stairs.

Area Sales Manager Lee Simmonds mentioned: "It seems only fitting that the site it once proudly occupied is now being used to educate architecture and built environment students of today, who will ultimately design the iconic buildings of tomorrow."

Continue reading about Wolverhampton’s latest University campus and the work from Solus in their Quarter Magasine issue 25.